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How to Get Twitter Followers

How to Get Twitter Followers

Getting twitter followers is an essential tool for anybody who wants both the fame and the ability to connect to more potential clients. It is no wonder many twitter users go through a lot of trouble to try and get as many followers as possible to be able to push home their agenda. So, what are the means, then, of getting twitter followers for a beginner? We sought out to get you the most practical tips of getting twitter followers for your account, in a bid to eventually become a twitter star. 

Getting Twitter Followers Fast

A large number of followers are every Twitter user’s aim for their account. The most common way of getting new followers is by asking people close to you, for example, friends and family to follow you and you follow them back. Although it may not be the best audience, they can be very great admirers of your twitter posts and they will be excellent help in liking and retweeting your posts. Take an example of the Kardashians; they follow each other on twitter, not because they are each other’s audience, but because they are each other’s biggest fans.


Another way of having more followers on twitter is by using your power of creativity. Use the power of your imagination to invent something that will be attractive and alluring to the public. This will eventually attract more people to start following you. Most of these followers will come from the crowds that use the various social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Medium, among others. You should opt to try advertising on different websites, whether they are offering free services and trials or it will cost you some money.

Getting followers through tweeting

Casual conversations with your followers that do not involve any promotional content will attract more followers on your page. The conversation should be kept natural to avoid potential spamming. You first need to have time for tweeting and retweeting good content consistently and if possible daily. This calls for tweeting and retweeting schedule that your followers and the rest of the public can relate to. Just make sure the schedule is as frequent as possible, but that there are not too many tweets. 

Your tweets should be engaging enough and as interesting as possible to be able to attract new viewers and followers. Appeal to the emotional aspect of twitter users, as long as you do not overdo it; many people are turned away by overly emotional people

The time for engaging with your followers should be in line with the best times of your target audience. You can deduce this by closely monitoring the trending topics on twitter and how the timelines affect the trends. 

Get into the habit of using twitter polls and using the trends and right hashtags to increase the chances of more twitter followers on your account.  You can also opt to use the strategy of engaging with renowned influencers on twitter, tagging those you’ve written about, and tagging those who are connected in one way or another with your kind of posts. 

Think about having your best tweet at the top of your page. This will not only attract new followers from the public, but it will also give your followers the urge to peruse through your timeline and share or retweet your posts to as many people as possible out there. The result? More views and eventually more followers.

Avoid  getting involved with bots

Any website that offers followers for a price is fake. Of course, to be marketable they will offer you good deals like high quality and real followers organically but all these are just false pieces of information. These bots will get your twitter account suspended, especially if the dealer of the followers is a con or a scammer. It is also very risky because once they have your twitter account’s password, they can create a mess and break the rules of operation on Twitter. As such, it is advisable to avoid such sites at all costs and even more, the urge to buy followers or likes

Free followers on twitter

There are many ways to get free followers on twitter with ease. First, contests give people the incentive to follow your page in order to get the ultimate prize. Even though some will unfollow you at the end of the contest, most of them will still follow you for more. Another way is to also live- tweet on event happenings using hashtags and this will raise people’s interest yearning for more. Twitter chats like debates as well as friendly feuds also give free followers.

Promoting your Twitter account

Use Twitter Ads to promote your account and attract massive followers, but always remember to use hashtags. Your profile should also be featured on trending websites for faster growth of your twitter account. Influencers are well known for promoting social media contents and therefore, getting an influencer to make your page grow will definitely promote your twitter account. 

Want more twitter followers?

Interact with people in order to be followed on your page. Build a rapport to ensure familiarity between you and your followers. Sincerity is also a key instrument twitter users look at when following your page; ensure to uphold it.

Become an expert by learning from the gurus.  Your followers actually need to know that you have some expertise in your field of focus on twitter. Get new ideas from the influencers and engage in activities that will promote your twitter content like interviews, live events, podcasts, and debates.

Have something authentic in order for people to follow you and get more of the content. Your sources should be unique, too, to avoid competitor websites from overtaking you.

A tweetup hosting different people with similar interests like sports and different kinds of games can be fun and advantageous too. The more you engage with people in these tweetups the more followers you will amass. 

Together with helping and supporting others in every way through twitter, you should also include twitter on your website to allow more people to find you with ease.

Published on: 7 October 2019
Posted by: mich
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