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How To Tweet Like a Pro

Have something to say? Tweet it!

Tweeting on Twitter is like having a conversation with 300 million people around the world. Your tweets can be heard (or read) by anyone. Those who want to listen closely can follow you, but can also unfollow you at any time. You can engage in conversations with anyone, join similar topics with #hashtags, talk to someone with @mentions. But before we dive in deeper, let’s go through the basics.


What is a Tweet?
A Tweet is a short-and-sweet post, 140 characters or less, that you can post on Twitter to share with the world, and specifically your followers. You can tweet about anything and what you should tweet about really depends on who you are and what your followers expect. In a general sense, there are usually two types of Twitter Accounts: personal accounts (for yourself) and organization accounts (company, brand, non-profit) and their tweets differ in context and goals.


Personal Tweets
☑ Voice Your Opinion
☑ Share things you like
☑ Chat with Others
☑ Share links you care about
Company Tweets
☑ Give your company a personality
☑ Provide Useful Information
☑ Respond to Comments, Requests & Complaints
☑ Announce News and Updates
☑ Gain Business Leads

Before you even think about what you’re going to start tweeting, ask yourself or your team some questions:
  – Who’s your audience and what do they care about?
  – How can you make your tweets interesting?
  – Would you enjoy these tweets if someone else wrote them?
140-characters Remember, 140 characters is more than enough. It’s NOT an excuse to be boring or dull. It’s an opportunity to be interesting and have your short-and-sweet message read quickly by all. 


Now It’s Personal

When you have a personal Twitter Account, it’s important you are yourself and tweet about things that you’re really passionate about. It could be something about your day-to-day life, something you discovered and want others to know (such as a fact, news article, website, video, song, or picture), or you can voice your opinion by tweeting something or replying to someone, among other things. You usually have friends and family that will follow you no matter what, but those who don’t know you personally (your fans), are the people that can quickly unfollow you if you don’t tweet well or if you come short of their expectations when they originally followed you.



The Unwritten Rules of Twitter:

Do tweet things you’d like others to share
Don’t spam
Do tweet things that matter to you.
Don’t tweet everything.
Do Tweet daily – This shows you’re active.
Don’t tweet too often – Keep it under 10 tweets per hour
Do @Reply to others – Twitter isn’t all about you.
Don’t @Reply to everyone.
Do use #hashtags on important keywords
Don’t #hashtag #every #little #thing.




Let’s Talk Business

For a Business, tweeting can be a little conflicting. Most businesses want to use Twitter to make money but go about doing so all the wrong ways. While you want your business to succeee, you also want to keep your customers, clients and audience happy, informed and maybe a little entertained. Twitter isn’t just about making money – it’s about sharing information. Whether it’s an insightful comment about a current event or article, or news about a company project, events, awards won, new team members or even special offers if you have any. Can you share useful information that can make you money? You bet you can!


Tips for Business Tweeting


Tip #1 – Find something amazing to share!
If you find an article, blog, survey, study, infographic or anything really that pertains to your business and you think your followers should know – Tweet about it and @Mention the author if possible.
Tip #2 – We’re Human Too!
Show the world that your company is made up of actual human beings. Tweet pictures from the office, events or simply show your team at work, doing what they love. It’s the little things that make a big difference.
Tip #3 – Twitter Exclusive Deals
Giving exclusive discounts or special offers to your Twitter Followers shows them you appreciate them and gives them just another reason to continue following you. You may even gain more followers (and more business) by doing so.
Tip #4 – Charity and Donations
Twitter is all about being social, so if your company donates to charities or engages in fundraisers – use Twitter to promote it. Even if you don’t participate in any non-profits, you can still promote them on Twitter and give them more exposure. This shows your followers and customers that you’re not all about making money – but also about giving back to the community.
Tip #5 – Listen


Twitter and Customer Service go hand-in-hand. People talk about things all the time and it’s important your company has an open ear, monitoring things people say about your business or even industry. If someone has a question, concern or issue – @reply and help them out. If someone praises your company, @reply and thank them. If someone says something negative about your company and you think a response is appropriate – do it! Twitter can be an amazing tool for customer support and keeping customer satisfaction high.
Tip #6 – Share Your Content
If you have a company blog or add a new service or product, link to it and let your followers know. If you have an idea or thought to share, tweet it!
Tip #7 – We’re Amazing!
Did your company just win an award, get a great review or get featured somewhere? Share it with your Twitter peers and let them know how great your company really is.
Tip #8 – We have a funny bone too
Twitter isn’t all about business and it’s important that you don’t make it all business. If your followers think you’re always trying to take their money, they’ll unfollow you or worse – write a negative review or comment. So entertain your followers every once in a while – it could be a funny picture, video or anything else. The Onion is an especially comical satiric new outlet that is bound to poke at and make fun of everything – something you could link to. This is something that can entertain your followers, reassure their decision in following you and can help your company gain retweets and more exposure.
Tip #9 – We’re in the know with our Industry
Always stay up to date with your industry. If something goes on, try to be the first to post it on Twitter and inform your followers. If something is trending related to your industry, join the conversation.
Tip #10 – ___Fill In The Blanks___
We can’t recommend everything. Every industry is different and with experience on Twitter, you’ll figure out what’s worth tweeting about and what isn’t.


Follow these tips and you’ll be sure to be tweeting like a boss in no time! Good luck and happy tweeting.


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