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ViralTactic Review

Update August 2017: ViralTactic is no longer in business.

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Company: ViralTactic (USA)

Website: DEAD

Founded: 2010 / 2014

Service Reviewed: Twitter Tactic

Methods: Crowd Marketing, Web Marketing, SEO

Price: $49 and up

Editors’ Rating:

About ViralTactic


ViralTactic is a new Social Media Marketing company that’s completely different then anything else out there – and that’s a good thing! They’ll promote your Twitter Account through three marketing tactics and help you gain real and genuine followers.

While the company is new, the founders behind it are not. The guys behind ViralTactic have been partnered with dozens of marketing agencies for the past 4 years, helping promote celebrities, corporations, politicians and other high-level clients using their unique Crowd Marketing network. With the recent launch of ViralTactic, their team hopes to bring a different type of marketing solution to promote Social Media, both for large and small clients. The CEO of ViralTactic told us “With ViralTactic, we’re reimagining Social Media Marketing to make it not only easier, but smarter and more effective. Ordering and customizing a campaign is fast and simple and by having each campaign managed by a professional marketing expert, clients always see results.” So of course, after that conversation, we had to put their service to the test!

Review Summary (tl;dr)

ViralTactic surpassed our expectations. The tested all three of their services individually (3 different Twitter accounts), and each worked beautifully. We gained genuine followers – not a fake follower in sight.

Our favorite tactic was Crowd Marketing, due to it’s speed, simplicity and effectiveness – 100k Plan brought in 2100 genuine followers in 5 days (about 8 cents per follower). Web Marketing was the most intricate and brought in the most followers – Web Marketing 3.0 Plan brought in 8,000 followers in 1 month (6 cents per follower). SEO helped our third account rank higher on Google (among the top 3 for our keywords) and has brought in about 600 followers in the past month and steadily increasing. Overall, we highly recommend ViralTactic as great way to gain genuine followers.


ViralTactic – Our Detailed Review & Experience

ViralTactic’s Services
ViralTactic offers three services, Crowd Marketing, Web Marketing and SEO, as well as specialties (which combine their three services to promote specific content, such as a Twitter Account). Since we’re all about Twitter, we decided to try out their specialty Twitter Tactic, but before we get ahead of ourselves, let’s explain how each service works:


Crowd Marketing – We like this one a lot. The goal of this service is to get you targeted exposure right on Twitter, quickly. ViralTactic has forms a network of thousands of popular and established tweeters (each with thousands of real followers). When you order, they find and invite tweeters with a large following of your target audience. Those tweeters (influencer) who like your account and accept the invitation will tweet about your account and recommend their followers follow you as well. The interesting aspect of this service is that you don’t pick tweeters – they pick you (after approval by ViralTactic’s Team), you get multiple tweeters per campaign, from 3 to 25 influential tweeters and you turnaround time is as fast as 2-3 days.

Web Marketing – This service is more traditional, but a new marketing approach for Twitter we haven’t seen other offer before. Essentially, ViralTactic’s marketing team will promote your account through the web though Article Marketing and Advertising. So you’ll get your account mentioned or featured in an article relevant to you, on a popular website. Their two top tiers include managed Advertising and Banner Design – so they’ll design and optimize banners and Advertise for your Twitter Account on targeted websites.

seo_icon SEO – Another interesting twist to traditional SEO. Search Engine Optimizing a Twitter Account isn’t uncommon – it’s known that large corporations and celebrities have gotten their Twitter Accounts SEO’d to rank higher on Google for their name and brand, but we’ve never seen such a service in the mainstream. Overall, the goal is the same – ViralTactic’s SEO team will run a professional SEO campaign for your Twitter Account and get you ranking higher on Google and Bing for your name, brand (as even other target keywords) so your audience will find you easily and follow you. They offer 3 One-Time campaign options: A Simple Two Week, a Full Two Month Campaign and an extended Two Month.

While you would normally combine the three services for one account, we wanted to see the results produced by each service separately, so we ordered each service separately for three similar accounts.


Ordering and Pricing
TwitterTactic-Ordering Ordering ViralTactic’s Twitter Tactic is simple:
First step is entering your username.
Secondly (and right below your username field) you select which services you want and don’t want. You have several options with each service: Crowd Marketing offers 6 options from 25k to 1M followers reach (impressions), while Web Marketing and SEO each offer 3 options.
Last Step is entering entering a more detailed Bio (used for Crowd & Web Marketing) and/or Search Keywords (used for SEO).

Then you’re done! Simply checkout and you’ll receive an email confirmation and login info.

Customer Service
ViralTactic offers in-house email, live chat and phone support and they’re very quick at responding. We contacted them by email on several occasions and they usually answered our request within an hour, which was very impressive. They’re very thorough, friendly and honest with their responses. Keep in mind though, that support is only available 14 hours a day from 9am to 11pm EST.

Probably the most important part of our review. ViralTactic doesn’t sell or guarantee Twitter Followers – only effective promotion. So, how effective is their promotion? Let’s see!

We tested their three services seperately, with accounts identical Twitter Account. Each account was created on the same day and each had over 150 of the same “comedy-niche” tweets scheduled throughout 4 weeks. We purchased 1,000 Twitter Followers from Devumi before placing our order with ViralTactic, to ensure the account had similar credibility to that of a typical Twitter user.


Test 1 – Crowd Marketing, 100k Followers Reach Plan

Before Ordering: Our Account had 30 tweets and 1,451 followers.
Results (4 Days later)
We received 10 Tweets/Mentions from 7 Popular Tweeters in the Comedy industry. The tweeters ranged from Parody accounts to Verified Comedians. We gained over 2,100 Twitter Followers from the campaign (We had 74 tweets and 3583 Twitter Followers after the campaign was completed)Overview: We gained 2,100 Twitter Followers from the 100k Reach Plan – 2.1% Follow Rate per Impression.Success? Yes, we gained genuine Twitter Followers.

Cost Effective? Very. Each genuine, targeted follower cost us about $0.08. This is compared to Twitter’s official Advertising which can cost $2.50 – $4.00 per new follower.

Who should use it? If you’re on Twitter, you tweet regularly and you think you’re worth following, Crowd Marketing is for you. It’s fast, gets you targeted exposure and drives real results.

Who shouldn’t use it? – Personal Accounts, Spam Accounts and Accounts that don’t tweet often should avoid. Crowd Marketing helps promote your account, but if your account isn’t worth following or tweets irrelevant stuff, you won’t see a lot of followers from the service.

An worth-while and cost-effective Social Media Marketing company that actually promotes your Twitter account and helps you gain genuine followers. From Crowd and Web Marketing that helps you promote and gain followers quickly, to SEO for ranking higher on Google and gaining followers overtime.

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