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how to Get Verified on Twitter in 2020

How to Get Verified on Twitter in 2020

We’ve all had that moment on social media where we felt like a celebrity due to the momentary attention we got as at that time; if you haven’t experienced this yet, then I assure you that it will still happen, and guess what, it feels good. Social media is an excellent platform for non-celebs to be thrown into the spotlight in an instance. Don’t worry, if you use our list of the best websites to buy Twitter followers from, you won’t have to worry about not getting approved!

Now Twitter has put in a feature that is associated with popularity on the profile. As you may know, this is a blue checkmark badge that Twitter displays beside your Twitter name. You automatically attain a status of importance on social media when you get this symbol. But how do you get verified on Twitter? Well, it’s now easy as you can apply for verification on Twitter, and you will give you if they find you worthy.

If you want to get verified, you have to confirm your phone number, current information, and email address. You will also have to fill a verification request form to notify Twitter of your willingness.
Twitter verification gives you some level of an ego boost and increases your respect for the social media community. Let me show you how you can get your brand and business verified on Twitter and the effect that it can have on your business.

how to Get Verified on Twitter

Step by Step Guide to Getting Verified on Twitter for 2020

  1. Fill your profile details with name, cover photo, bio, website, and your profile picture. The details must be descriptive enough.
  2. Add your contact details and your email address. Both should be verified.
  3. Include your date of birth in the space provided,
  4. Your tweet should be public; check if it is private, and remove it from there.
    You will need to verify your identity if you’re confirming a personal account; you might need a copy of your driver’s license or an international passport to get things done.
    However, the most significant factor that will determine whether your profile gets approved or not is if Twitter finds your profile of public interest. To be more specific, Twitter considers only organizations and public figures that are in the following field.

Twitter Verification Industries

  • TV
  • Business
  • Media
  • Journalism
  • Sports
  • Religion
  • Music
  • Film
  • Politics
  • Government
  • Fashion
  • And some other areas of interest

If you meet those conditions spelled out above, then your chances of getting verified are high. However, the ultimate determinant of who gets verified is still subjective because of the term “Public interest” is not well defined.
If you Twitter turned you down after applying, you have the opportunity to re-apply after 30 days. Here’s more information that can help you in your quest for the Twitter badge.

Get Verified on Twitter in 2020

Verify Your Phone Number on Twitter

You should add a phone number to your account, and then confirm the verification code that will Twitter will send to that number.
Confirm your email address
If you haven’t done this before, you should add your email address. You will receive a confirmation link on that email address. Your confirmed email address will only help Twitter in authenticating your account ownership.

Add a profile photo, bio, website, birthday, and cover photo.

A) If you want to add or edit the information on your Twitter profile, visit your profile by logging into your account. You will see “Edit Profile” when you check the upper right of your profile page.

B) When you tap on the edit button, it will make numerous parts of your profile editable. You can choose to change any detail you provided when opening your account except your username.

C) Twitter expects you to use a profile name and picture that accurately represents the owner or business that owns the Twitter handle. Your bio should also describe your area of expertise, or give the details of the mission of your company.

If you’re not comfortable showing your birthdate to the public, you can make it a secret by tapping on the lock icon to select who you’ll like to grant permission to see your date of birth.

Set your tweets to “Public.”
Go to the “Twitter security and privacy” page, and then ensure that the checkbox “Tweet privacy” is unchecked.

During your process of applying for verification, Twitter will ask that you log in to your Twitter account. You will need to write why Twitter should verify you in the paragraph section that is for that purpose; this is usually the most challenging part of the process for many. I’ll advise you to share links that will back up your claim; as such, you may have to get URLs to some websites that discussed you before you initiate the verification process.

The Benefit of Getting Verified on Twitter in 2020

  1. It will help you to get more followers
  2. Your followers will trust and respect you better.
  3. It increases your chances of being a Twitter influencer.

You also get some added features that other users don’t have. For example, it allows you to filter your notifications, such that you only get information from fellow verified accounts. You also can stop getting notified of group messages.
The best feature that comes with the blue badge is that Twitter will give more priority to your likes, retweets, and replies as other users will quickly see it; also, other verified users can never hide your engagement on their post.

It is the popular opinion among experts that Twitter will make verification compulsory for all its users, although it is may not be as detailed as getting the blue badge. Being verified improves your visibility as it ensures that more Twitter users than unverified users see your post.

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Published on: 10 January 2020
Posted by: E O
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