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All About Twitter's New Subscription Offering Twitter Blue

All About Twitter’s New Subscription Offering Followers Blue Tier

People have been using social media networks, like Twitter, for years. They use it for different reasons and purposes. For example, some users of Twitter are there to connect with their loved ones. Meanwhile, some use the platform to learn about the latest trends and news. Then, there are marketers and businessmen who leverage the platform’s reach to increase sales and profits. As time passes by, more and more uses for social media networks get discovered. Such is the advantage of versatile platforms like them.

However, more ways to use social media platforms demand new features from the site itself. Unfortunately, according to a lot of Twitter users, Twitter is not doing a good job at that. It does not always build power features that meet their needs.

All About Twitter's New Subscription Offering Twitter Blue

For Twitter, feedback like this is detrimental to the growth and success of their product. Tim and time again, Twitter has said in their blogs that providing the best user experience is its top priority. So, it launches initiatives that aim to improve its system so that users will feel satisfied. As an answer to the complaints of most of its users, Twitter is launching Twitter Blue. 

What is Twitter Blue?

Twitter Blue is a monthly subscription offering that allows users to access premium features and perks for a small fee. These are intended to help users customize Twitter to how they wanted it to be. 

Twitter Blue is still in its earliest phase. It is currently being tested on Twitter for IOS in Australia and Canada. Global roll-out and the Android release will be in the near future. Note that if you purchase Twitter Blue on IOS and log into the same account in Android, you may access some features. But, these features are not optimized. So, in the meantime, it is recommended to try it only on IOS.

The team hopes to understand what will make the Twitter experience more customized and more expressive through this first iteration. 

Exclusive Features

As said above, Twitter Blue adds enhanced and complementary features to the already existing Twitter experience for those who want it. By availing of the subscription, a user gains the following features:

Undo Tweet

Undo in this sense does not mean you can literally undo your Tweet. Unfortunately, there would never be a tool that would erase your statements posted online in the memory of those who have seen them. Instead, this feature will allow you to edit your post before it appears on your timeline.

The other social media giant, Facebook, has had an edit feature for a long time now. It allows them to alter already existing posts. They can correct spelling, add or remove parts, or change the wording. Twitter users also want it to be implemented on the platform. However, the CEO of Twitter refused to do so. He says it could ruin Twitter’s real-time, stream-of-consciousness nature. 

Of course, Twitter users are upset about that decision. Without the ability to edit Tweets, they cannot correct typographical errors or change their statement. For instance, they might want to take back what they said about a controversial topic. Likewise, they might want to make ambiguous statements clearer so they would not be misunderstood. Since they cannot edit these Tweets, they are forced to either keep them or delete them. Keeping them could be detrimental to one’s reputation, while deleting means losing the retweets, likes, and replies as well.

All About Twitter's New Subscription Offering Twitter Blue

Twitter Followers on The Blue Tier Get Advantages

Moreover, deleting the Tweet to post a new one does not mean a user is a hundred percent safe from embarrassment. It isn’t a tool that can help you buy more Twitter followers, but it can prevent you from losing them! Someone could have taken a screenshot of the original text, so it is preserved. Considering Twitter is the home to cancel culture, those screenshots will likely get uploaded. The same thing can be said even if an edit feature is available, unfortunately. That is why the Undo Tweet feature works differently.

With Undo Tweet, you can set a customizable timer of up to 30 seconds. The timer immediately starts after you posted something – be it a Tweet, reply, or thread you have sent. Within that time frame, you can tap the “Undo” button to preview and edit the post before people on the internet can see it. 

Reader Mode

Twitter is a micro-blogging website. Each Tweet is limited to 280 characters. So, when one says something that needs more than those characters, they create a thread. 

A thread is a series of connected Tweets from one person. It is through this method that Twitter users post long paragraphs and info dumps. Unfortunately, viewing threads is “noisy.” Replies, retweets, and likes from other people are injected in the middle of the thread, interrupting the reading experience. 

With Twitter Blue’s Reader mode, long threads are turned into easy-to-read text so users can read them seamlessly. 

Bookmark Folders

It is common for users to save content that interests them. The problem occurs when they have saved so many of them. Searching for a specific one becomes almost as difficult as searching for them on the whole platform. Thanks to Twitter Blue, they can kiss that problem goodbye. 

Users can categorize saved content with the Bookmark Folders. 

 Furthermore, they can select the name and color for each folder. Through this feature, searching gets done more quickly and efficiently.

Themes and Customizable Icons

Included on Twitter Blue is a feature that improves Twitter’s aesthetics. by subscribing, users gain the capability to change the blue to other colors. On top of that, they can change the Twitter app’s icons. 

Subscribing To Twitter Blue

To subscribe to Twitter Blue, open your Profile menu and tap Twitter Blue, then Subscribe. The Subscribe button displays the price per month. Keep in mind that the price is not the same for different regions. 

All About Twitter's New Subscription Offering Twitter Blue

Twitter blue subscriptions are non-refundable. So, even if your account gets suspended, you will not get back the money you spent. However, you can cancel or pause the subscription to avoid paying for the next month. To know how, please refer to the guide provided by the Twitter Help Center. 

Follow @TwitterBlue to keep up to date with the latest news about the program.

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Published on: 24 August 2021
Posted by: Joy P
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