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Best Ways To Schedule Your Tweets in 2020

Best Ways To Schedule Your Tweets in 2020

Twitter is one of the most famous and has one of the most popular social media platforms and has a good number of users. Some people constantly find themselves tweeting round the clock, thanks to this platform. However, one of the most common complaints users have is being unable to schedule their Tweets, without having to go to use the service of third-party services such as Hootsuite or Buffer tools. 

Twitter indeed is one of the most famous social networks worldwide, and one of the most used. Twitter still leaves much to be desired. Unlike Facebook, this platform requires extra help to be able to program your Tweets, which is annoying for its fans. Without programming features, users drop their tweets at the wrong time.

Fortunately, recent updates have been made by this platform to ensure users can create their tweets at once while programming when it will be launched to their followers feed.

Best Ways To Schedule Your Tweets

Automating Tweets in 2020

While most Twitter users still go through Hootsuite to schedule their posts, the recent Twitter update shows that you can automatically record your job from the Twitter app. However, since it’s still a new feature, only a few users know how to utilize this. 

In this session, you will discover how to automate your tweets. The Advantage this has is that rather than logging into your account to tweet after every 4 hours, you can create your tweet at once and choose the time you want them to launch.

With this, you don’t need the help of extra tools since they take a whole lot of time. In addition to that, you don’t need to spend extra to use Twitter to schedule your tweets, and scheduling via Twitter Apps is less stressful.

Automating Tweets on Twitter can be done in two forms: Via Twitter Ads and from the App.

Automating Tweets Via Twitter Ads

1 ) The first thing to do if you’re an advertiser is to log in to your Twitter Ads account by inputting your username and password.

2) After logging in, Twitter requires users to enter the name of the country where you are currently residing. There are only four countries available on Twitter Ads. These are Canada, the United States, Ireland, and the United Kingdom.

3) You could choose the United States. It is usual for people residing in Spain to select this country. Once you do this, you will see on your screen a message warning users that only advertisers for publications in English and that they are really from the countries described above. Do not worry. Just proceeds to the next step.

4) You must go where the icon that shaped like a pen is. When you click there, you will see a window where you can write and schedule tweets from twitter. Here, you have the freedom to choose when your tweet drop. You can decide to launch your tweets at once or leave a specified time interval between each tweet. Tweets could be after every 4 hours or even less.

5) Then press the programming tab and then choose the date and time you want for your tweets. Timing is critical, so you can know and keep track of each of the tweets you want to send. Keep in mind that the country you selected as a place of residence will influence the time of your tweets.

Tweeting Time Is Money in 2020

What this means is that if you live in Spain and choose Canada as your place of residence when scheduling your tweets, you must take into account the difference in hours between the two countries. This way, you will know exactly at what time your Tweets post. Keep in mind that the best time to tweet depends on the habit of the individual.

 You will be able to schedule when your message will post. It’s better to give a reasonable interval between when each post will drop. Twitter ensures you stay on the mind of your readers.

If you want to disable auto-scheduling, you can easily do this. All you have done do is toggle the button in front of auto-scheduling OFF.

Schedule Your Tweets in 2020

Best Time To Post On Twitter in 2020

According to research, the best time not to post on Twitter will be during working hours, but doing this when your ideal audience is commuting back home increases engagement by a whopping 182%. Hence, the best time to tweet during working days would be between 4-6 pm if your audience is more of a working-class.

For optimal engagement, it’s better to tweet between 12-3 pm, but the engagement level is at its peak during the weekend. Arming yourself with such knowledge will improve the possibility of gaining more reach.

Things To Remember When Scheduling Your Tweet in 2020

  • Before scheduling tweets, keep the location to your audience as well as habits in mind before composing your message. Getting any form of these wrong will likely result in low engagement.
  • Before scheduling, you ought the know in and out for your audience. Are users busy workers who only check their accounts in your evening? Do they spend the whole day scrolling through their feeds? Having adequate knowledge about this will influence your scheduling decisions and likely increase your engagement rate.
  • When you use Twitter Analytics, you will know your user’s pattern for engagement and also have an insight into the perfect timing to post.


What’s the essence of tweeting if 99% of your followers won’t see your post. The addition of the scheduling feature means your Tweet gets to your audience at the right time, especially when they’re scrolling through their feeds.

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Published on: 29 December 2019
Posted by: E O
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