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Here’s How to Triple Your Twitter Followers in 5 Minutes a Day

Here’s How to Triple Your Twitter Followers in 5 Minutes a Day

Tripling your Twitter followers in five minutes a day may sound pretty impossible, but with a different set of approaches and better strategies, all is possible. Twitter followers are a great way to promote your business, products, and services. So, it typically means the more followers you have, the better your chances of reaching as many prospects as possible. How many followers you should have to achieve your goals remains of the essence, considering the average Twitter user only has about two hundred followers. But you cannot stay average if you want to take your business to the next level; you have to up your follower count and maintain it too. Here are a few tips to help you increase the number of your Twitter followers.

An outstanding profile. Twitter remains one of the most professional websites in the world. And like any social media pages, your Twitter profile introduces you to other Twitter users and potential followers. A good Twitter profile should be professionally done and should be outstanding and catchy. Ensure that you use a real image of you and not a flower or an emoji. The only exception to this is when you can use your business name as your profile picture. 

Ensure the image is well done, and professionally portrayed in up-to-date portraits and themes. Check your bio to ensure it is straightforward and all-inclusive. A user should be able to know what you do and what they stand to gain by following you, from your bio. The description should be precise, easy-to-understand, and accurate. If you do this, you will gain more followers soon enough because your Twitter image is professional and your bio self-descriptive. 

Subs Serve Their Dommes as Retweet Slaves on Twitter

Start tweeting. This point also makes sense that you cannot get retweets if you are not tweeting. And we all know that tweeting is the fastest way to gain followers because they get to read your tweets and retweet them, making them go far enough to reach more large crowds than you already have. The rule of thumb is, the more the retweets, the more the followers. So, tweet more both to get the followers and to make your ideas reach out as far as possible. 

Create a viable Twitter schedule. Having a consistent tweeting schedule will give you an upper hand in getting more followers. This is because your followers get to associate you with orderliness and professionalism. If you tweet only once a month, for instance, your page will remain slow, dull, and you will not have enough followers. On the other hand, if you tweet many times in a day, you will make your followers tired and cramped, and many of them will unfollow you; mission not accomplished. Create a tweeting schedule that will allow content to sink in first before tweeting again. If, for example, you tweet every day at 6 am and 6 pm, your followers will find you timely and organized, and they will begin to anticipate your next post. So, adopting constant and professional tweeting will get you more followers as opposed to losing them due to poor tweeting schedules.

Market your Twitter page on other social websites using links. The whole point is to get as many people as possible to follow you, naturally. You can use other social media websites like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, etc. As you publish and post your feeds, incorporate a link to your Twitter account so that people are directed back to your page to view what you deal with. This means you will get more new followers with everyone who sees and likes your profile and bio.

Search for new followers affiliated with your products. Twitter allows you to find people who you can follow, using various tools. You can see the people who need the products and services that you deal with and add them to your list of followers. These tools will make you visible to the interested parties, and they can follow you as you have what they need. 

Follow influential tweeps on your niche. We always learn from the best, and you need to capitalize on this so that you appear valid and serious enough to attract new followers on Twitter. Follow the great minds and influential people the world loves to be associated with, and occasionally retweet their tweets. This will make you valid and relevant in your niche and will attract more followers and potential prospects. 

Keep it professional. This one goes without saying that if you want to lose the followers, you already have, be arrogant, insincere, irrelevant, and insensitive. Posting wrong information, copy-pasting other people’s works, and not being up to date strikes people as unprofessional. Use the correct language, avoid abusive words, give clear information, and stay up to date to remain valid and relevant on Twitter. You will attract more followers if you have a professional appearance and approach on Twitter.

Engage your Twitter followers. Any audience that is not engaged is dull and non-participating. This also applies to Twitter and your followers. If you do not involve your followers in the various possible ways, they remain dull and leave your page. But if you kept them up to date and engaged on multiple issues, you keep the conversations going and they will retweet your posts hence winning over more new followers for you. Remove followers who are inactive because they make your page appear odd with so many followers and very little activity. Answer your followers’ questions, respond to their queries, and keep them posted on upcoming events and activities. You can use methods like competitions, awards, promotions, and discussions to keep active. 


As stated above, gaining huge Twitter followers naturally is not a hard thing, and it can happen faster than you thought. You only need to align your mind and strategies so that you reap only the best. Remember that more followers eventually result in bigger and better conversions and should be harnessed at every available opportunity. Follow the above guidelines to arrive at a high number of followers to effect whichever business idea you got.

Published on: 16 September 2019
Posted by: Kam R
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