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How To Use Twitter Video To Get More Twitter Followers

How To Use Twitter Video To Get More Twitter Followers

Almost nine hundred thousand minutes of visual content is shared online, and more will be shared as the year progresses. Visual content like videos are certainly more captivating than captions and pictures, and this is why they are in high demand.
With the introduction of videos, Twitter has become a treasure trove, a mecca of sorts for video lovers. If pictures speak louder than words, videos certainly do better- they speak volumes. Before we delve into the nitty-gritty of this article, let’s establish the importance of Twitter video.

Should you use a Twitter video?

On other social media platforms, you are free to use as many words as possible or post several images of your choice. However, Twitter limits your word count to 160 characters per tweet. With this limit, you are left with a ‘limiting’ medium to engage, inform, and sometimes communicate with your fans/followers/subscribers and customers.
However, with the introduction of the video feature, you can entertain your followers if necessary, educate them and inform them by utilizing the power of sight and sound.
As a brand, you will need explainer videos, curated brand stories, and live streaming to communicate with old customers and attract new ones. A recent survey shows that more customers have been converted because of the videos uploaded on Twitter. Other survey results indicate that videos have more retweets than regular tweets. If you are still skeptical about using Twitter videos, what are you waiting for?

How To Use Twitter Video To Get More Twitter Followers in 2020

Different types of Twitter Videos

All videos are visual contents, but not all visual content is the same or has the same purpose. Here is a list of the different ways to curate and spread the different types of Twitter videos.

  • Imported video: imported videos are those videos that have been pre-recorded on your mobile device. They could be videos about new products, videos containing general information, or even more. To share them on Twitter, open your Twitter app, and click on the video icon and upload the videos instantly.
  • Recorded video: Provided you have a phone with a camera and an active internet connection, you can record a video of your choice right on your Twitter app. Twitter has options that allow you to edit, and you can always share it with your followers afterward.
  • Live-streamed videos: live streaming is one popular video messaging tip that individuals, brands, and businesses are utilizing to connect and communicate with their followers. You can choose to broadcast to your fandom/customers on a pre-arranged time via your Twitter app.
  • Promotional video: promotional videos can take the form of instream video ads, conversational videos, and videos with the attached URL, which directs viewers to your website. These videos are used predominantly for advertisement.

Specs, format, and requirements

Before you post videos on your Twitter page, it is vital to know the different specs, formats, and requirements that Twitter allows.

  • Length: Twitter video length ranges from 0.5 -140 seconds (special promoted videos can extend to 10 minutes and above)
  • Video size: most Twitter videos varies between 15- 512 MB (promoted videos can weigh more. With some as heavy as 1GB)
  • Resolution: Twitter video resolution vary between 32×32 (minimum) to 1280x 1024 (maximum)
  • Frame sizes: frames sizes are often 40 fps while bitrate is usually 25 Mbps
  • Aspect ratio: the aspect ratio of ranges from 1:3 and 3:1
  • Format: for mobile, the format is usually MOV and MP4. In contrast, for the web, the format is usually AAC audio and H264 format.
Twitter Video To Get More Twitter Followers

Ways to use Twitter video

As a brand, you can use Twitter videos for any of the following purposes. Check them out.

  • Host interactive sessions: your audience deserves to hear from you and you from them. This interaction is often better using video. Daily, weekly or annual question and answer sessions (Q&A) with an executive or customer care agency puts a human face to your brand, which in turns earns you the trust of your audience (customers, followers)
  • Replying to tweets: Twitter video can be used to respond, reply to prompts, questions, and queries from your followers. Replying a tweet with video shows creativity and keen attention to detail, and it certainly pays. Most brands do not respond to tweets from the public, which includes their audience. Sadly, they don’t know that is the reason they have a declining relationship with them. These videos can consist of “how to’s” important announcement and product launch.
  • Updates on events: communication is critical in any relationship, and this is especially true in the relationship between the business and customers. Your customers deserve to know about events; they will be delighted to know about award presentations or proposed events. Customers are a vital part of the family, and they always reciprocate if they are treated as such. You can use Periscope to broadcast any of this critical information to them.
  • Awareness: whatever the nature of your business is, you will need to raise awareness or educate your teeming followers about what to do per time. Did you launch a new product, did you introduce a new service, or do you have an awareness that you need to communicate to your fans about? Regardless of the length of the video, you can relate, educate, and address such issues directly.
  • Teasers, advertisement, and promotion: every brand has a target audience ( specific number of individuals whom they want to convert to customers). With a promoted video, you can access this demography and ultimately capture a critical mass. By releasing teasers about new products and services by recording advertisement videos on Twitter, you can ensure that your customers never again miss vital information.

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Published on: 4 March 2020
Posted by: E O
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