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A Look At Twitter’s Conversation Tools for Publishers

A Look At Twitter’s Conversation Tools for Publishers

Twitter is known as a popular platform for public conversation. For this reason, a lot of publishers utilize this platform to reach their target audiences. Twitter is aware of this fact, so it created various tools that could help publishers better and make the platform more relevant.

Ideally speaking, publishers are aware when public conversations include them. They also understand what is being said and use that knowledge to develop their content strategy further. This is where Twitter’s second Publisher Insight tool called Conversation Insights comes into the picture. 

A Look At Twitter’s Conversation Tools for Publishers

Conversations Insights works by finding and displaying Tweets that you might ordinarily miss. This happens due to Twitter’s content listening tools that go beyond hashtags and mentions. The tool’s dashboard is customizable, letting you discover what people are saying about you every time. This conversation will allow you to join or even mold the conversation with timely and relevant content.

Mega Studio users with more than a thousand followers will have access to Conversation Insights through a new page located under the Insights tab. Notably, the Mega Studio tool provides publishers with more specific data on their tweet mentions and who is mentioning them. Also, it has filters that provide additional information about the types of accounts engaging with the tool users’ profiles.

Twitter’s Conversation Insights: The Features

With the new Conversation Insights by Twitter, you will see how many tweets are about you through an interactive graph. Also, there will be a list of top accounts that talk about you or engage with your tweet’s content. This list will be filtered by follower count or frequency. 

Moreover, you will have access to a timeline of Tweets about you. You can filter this by language, follower and engagement thresholds, verification status, and Tweet format. 

According to Twitter, publishers will be able to engage with Tweets in the future. They will be able to share tweets or even reply to them directly using the Conversation Insights page.

Twitter Insights Helps Measure Increases of Followers

Most of Conversation Insights’ functionalities are available on third-party tools and even with Twitter’s very own TweetDeck. However, Twitter noted that the Conversation Insights tool would get more relevant mentions due to the platform’s content listening tools that can go beyond hashtags and mentions. These tools are ideal for monitoring and measuring the increases of Twitter followers to basically anyone’s account.

True enough, the tool is not revolutionary. However, more insight is still always better. Also, it is good to have more additional options to gather more tweet data. Based on the advanced search tools of Twitter, Conversation Insights users may be able to find mentions that they could not otherwise. Needless to say, the insights provided by the tool are worth checking. 

A Look At Twitter’s Conversation Tools for Publishers

Twitter has many useful tools, so it is not surprising if the Conversation Insights tool will become more developed in the future. But one thing is for sure. The tool is already very beneficial for users as it is now.

Why is Twitter Beneficial For Publishers?

Twitter is one of the best platforms that people can use to keep up with the most recent conversations. It allows you to discover what people are talking about at the moment. This way, you will be able to make relevant replies to people for them to see you.

A lot of brands are already using Twitter for their content strategy. But if you don’t, below  are the reasons why you should start doing so:

1. Builds Brand Awareness and Personality

The way you style your tweets and engage with your audience on the platform is extremely effective if you want to grow your brand’s awareness and establish your personality.

One of Twitter’s best benefits for publishers is that it allows them to disseminate information quickly and begin conversations with their target audiences. As a result, audiences will find their tweets valuable. This way, there is a high chance that they will share your content with their followers, thus, widening your reach.

Moreover, you need to make sure that you use a tone that aligns with your brand’s personality whenever you are tweeting. Also, you need to choose the type of topics and conversations that you will interact with. This is because the topics you interact with will help you attract audiences whose views align with yours. 

2. Get Valuable and Relevant Customer Insights

Approximately 6,000 tweets are sent every second. This helps us put into perspective how active people are in using this platform for conversations. For publishers, these conversations are a valuable source of customer insights. 

Also, using Twitter can help you search for trends and topics that your audience is interested in at the moment. This way, you will be able to come up with a strategy to reach them effectively.

3. Provide Customer Support and Gather Feedback

According to Joe Rice, the most advanced brands know that Twitter is a vital marketing customer care and market research medium that can provide their business with valuable insights.

A Look At Twitter’s Conversation Tools for Publishers

. This platform makes it easier for customers to reach out to brands for concerns, provide feedback, and ask for assistance. Brands can use this opportunity to collect important feedback to improve their products and deliver the support needed by their customers.

4. Cultivate A Brand Community

Twitter makes it easier for brands and customers to reach each other easily. One of the best benefits that the platform can provide is that it allows you to build your own brand community. That being said, brands can use Twitter to join in relevant conversations, build a loyal following, and engage with their community.

It is no surprise why a lot of publishers use Twitter for their content strategy. The platform is indeed beneficial and carries a lot of potential for them. Besides, it adds great value to your content strategy.

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Published on: 25 November 2020
Posted by: Joy P
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