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The Best Ways to Use Twitter in Driving Traffic to Your Blog

The Best Ways to Use Twitter in Driving Traffic to Your Blog

Driving traffic to your website is almost as important as your success as a writer itself. Without promoting your blog, how can you expect it to become known by people as great content? 

The Best Ways to Use Twitter in Driving Traffic to Your Blog

Now, what you should do is take the opportunity to cross promote your blog posts on social media platforms, such as Twitter. Tweeting about your blog is an amazing way to reach out and connect with your target audience. With more than 500 million Twitter users, you will also be able to find new readers on the platform.

However, it is important to note that you need to use the platform well. When utilized the proper way, Twitter can bring tons of traffic to your blog site. However, simply tweeting a link to your blog will not work and do the magic.

What you need to do is to be pro-active and creative. In addition, you need to use an excellent marketing tactic when you are tweeting about your blog posts. 

To help you more with your promotional journey on Twitter, below are some of the best and most actionable tactics to market your blog posts:

Tactic #1. Make Sure That Your Tweets are Short Yet Provocative

Technically speaking, a tweet is already short as it is only composed of 140 characters. This character limit makes it more challenging to compose compelling and interesting content. However, it was found out that short tweets, those that are under 100 characters, get a 21 percent higher rate of interactions.

For this reason, you should always be creative whenever you are tweeting a link to your blog post. Try to make your tweets as short as possible while still invoking interest in your blog article.

In addition, keep in mind that you do not need to stick with the title of your post when you are tweeting about your article.

For instance, make a tweet that will prompt your viewers to click the link to your article. 

Tactic #2. Include An Intriguing Excerpt From Your Post

Give your followers a taste of what they are going to see on your blog post. You can do this by adding an intriguing quote from your blog post. As much as possible, try finding a concise quote that gives your followers a taste of your content. 

Remember, you do not need to tweet the title of your article. Rather, it would be better if you will show your followers a sneak peek of what your blog post is all about. 

Generally speaking, quotes do really well on Twitter. In fact, studies show that a tweet that contains a quote is 54 percent more likely to get retweeted. Once your followers read your tweet and like it, they are more likely to click through your website to see what you have to offer. 

Tactic #3. Include Statistics If Possible For Buying Twitter Followers

Data indicates that people love statistics. For this reason, make sure to include in your tweet if you have any interesting statistical information in your blog post. To make your tweet more impactful, make sure to include numbers and characters, not just letters. These numbers and characters will help your tweet stand out among thousands of tweets that your followers get in their timelines. This is a great way to safely buy Twitter followers using your brain instead of your marketing dollars!

The Best Ways to Use Twitter in Driving Traffic to Your Blog

Tactic #4. Do Not Forget to Use Hashtags

Hashtags are an excellent way to disseminate your tweets across different topics. They have been used on Twitter for many years now. And though they are not given much attention, they can provide an amazing way of connecting with other Twitter users who are not following you yet. 

Moreover, there are a number of methods to use hashtags when you are tweeting. When utilized properly, hashtags and these methods will drive traffic to your blog. 

If you want, you can use a theme-specific hashtag to promote a particular article, e-book, landing page, or even a contest that you are hosting. You can even create your own hashtags for the topic that you want to promote. 

For instance, you can set up a hashtag like #MyAmazingblog for your blog posts. When you do this, it will create a place where other Twitter users can converse about your blog posts as well. If your followers use that hashtag on their tweets, those tweets will show up in the Twitter feed for that hashtag search. This way, you will be able to generate more interest in your blog posts; thus increasing your website traffic.

In addition, you can also use general hashtags that are related to your posts. This will help you get your tweets seen by other users who are searching for the topics that you have written about. 

Tactic #5. Use Twitter’s @mention Feature

Twitter’s mention feature is where you can mention other’s @username on your tweets. They are a way in which you will be able to directly send a tweet to your customers, followers, or anyone on Twitter. 

You can use this mention feature in several ways. 

For example, if your blog post talks about companies, prominent bloggers, or anyone who is known in various industries, you can mention them in a tweet and add the link that will prompt them to your blog post. This will make them appreciate your mention. But apart from that, it might also get your tweet retweeted to their followers. This way, there is a great chance for your reach to grow. 

The Best Ways to Use Twitter in Driving Traffic to Your Blog

In addition, you can also mention people who have made good comments about your blog post. This is an excellent way to thank your loyal readers for their support.

You can also mention other authors as well as their blog posts. It does not matter if they are a guest blogger, a regular blogger, or a new blogger on your blog site. Mentioning them is a nice gesture that could even lead to them retweeting you to their followers. This way, people will see your blog site and take the time to check it out. 

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Published on: 31 December 2020
Posted by: Joy P
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