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Retain Customers Longer With A Strong Social Media Presence

Without a doubt, social media has taken the business world by storm. The wide variety of platforms has certainly made companies more accessible, giving brands and their customers a whole new way to interact.

Many businesses have flourished with the help of social media, and it’s hard to imagine how they would have made it without it. As for those that don’t have any accounts at all (if they still exist), they’ll be perceived as outdated and impersonal.

The Impact of Social Media on Business

Social media has become an indispensable tool for businesses. Companies that manage to successfully utilize social media experience a wide variety of benefits, including:

  • Better customer relations. This is due to the fact that social media makes companies more accessible to consumers (by answering queries easily, resolving issues, and presenting a friendly face).
  • Improved market research. Social media has become an additional non-invasive tool for studying the market and consumers.
  • Broader marketing for products and services. A related benefit of social media is you can market directly to specific types of consumers you can identify online.
  • Longer customer retention. Along with effective messaging and interaction, customers regularly engaging with their favorite brands on social media tend to remain loyal.

You, too, can experience the same benefits. The first step to achieving that is to boost your brand’s social media presence. Read on to find out how you can achieve just that.

Set A Goal

goal setting

Upon creating several social media accounts, set a goal for each of them. The purpose of these goals are to give you a more concrete idea of what needs to be done on each platform.

If you are having a hard time determining your goals, then you must first set an objective. Ask yourself, how would social media contribute to the success of your brand? Would social help with brand awareness, customer awareness, or business conversions?

Once you’ve determined an objective, you can then set definitive social media goals, such as gaining a certain number of Followers, Likes, Shares, and Retweets in a certain period of time.

Purchase Initial Followers

It can be long, hard work building up a large number of followers organically. One of the quickest ways to get going is by purchasing a decent set of initial followers, which is a bit like putting some money in a hat to encourage people to contribute to a performance.

You don’t have to be nervous or ashamed of buying followers. In fact, some of the most influential people in the world have done the same thing. How many of Donald Trump’s followers do you think are real?

Besides, there are several benefits to purchasing followers, one of which is that it helps increase organic follower growth. The idea is that these purchased followers will help encourage other users to check out your account, and if they like what they see they’ll become Followers as well.

So if you are thinking about buying from a follower provider, go with a top-rated company to make sure you get high quality followers. Check out our reviews to find the right provider for you, including Twitter retweet services to push your tweets.

Use Analytics Tools

Analytics tools will help you determine whether you are reaching your goals or not. With the right tools you can accurately measure the growth of your profile and brand online. These will also help you spot your weaknesses so you can identify specific areas for improvement. Hootsuite is a useful tool for this. We have a full Hootsuite Review here for your pleasure.

In order to know whether your social media strategy is succeeding or not, you need to determine your KPIs (Key Performance Indicators). Don’t forget to check your stats regularly so you can be sure that you’re staying on track.

Understand Your Target Market

Perhaps the best thing about social media is that it makes it easier for you to get to know your target market by observing their social media habits. There’s an incredible amount of information being shared on social media, and you can make use of it to improve your methods and conversion rates.

This is an important step so that you know how and when to interact with your target audience. Understanding your audience thoroughly will help you figure out which messaging style best connects and resonates with them.

Provide Customer Support on Social Media

Social media has made it easier for consumers to lash out at certain brands whenever they are dissatisfied with their services or their products. This may sound like a bad thing, but you can actually use this accessibility to your advantage. Think of social media as another avenue for customer service, because every stressed customer is an opportunity to show that you care. Even Twitter has their own support account:

On Twitter, you can provide customer support directly from your main Twitter account. Or, you can create another account specifically for customer service, like Twitter did above.

Remain Active on All the Popular Social Media Platforms

Once you start engaging on social media, you have to update, post, comment, and reply regularly. If you don’t, you won’t keep up any momentum you gain.

Even worse, the validity of your accounts might be questioned, which could tempt people to report your accounts. These days, especially with the rising number of trolls and bots, social media networks are looking to crack down when it comes to fake accounts.

Post Engaging and Informative Content

To keep people actively checking your account, you’ll need to post engaging content on every platform on which you maintain a presence.

Learn what size posts your audience prefers, the posting frequency that works best for them, and the hashtags they search for the most. Avoid the basic mistakes that many social media marketers make when they’re starting out (or even years into the game).

Each platform is unique and will need a slightly different content strategy. Twitter is made for short messages, while Facebook users are more willing to read longer posts. You can be an Instagram master by posting high-quality photos and videos of all kinds, like ads and infographics. Whatever the format and platform, don’t forget to pepper the content with relevant keywords and calls to action. Asking for retweets is a great call to action:

Cute dogs always help as well…

Include Social Media Buttons on Your Website

For every new social media account you open, don’t forget to connect it to your website and vice versa. Widgets are helpful for this, check out this free button from Twitter which will tweet this article out for you with just one push!

Your social media accounts will serve as additional sources of traffic to your site, and your site buttons should send more traffic to your social accounts. These buttons make it so easy for people to share your articles.

Social Media For the Win!

Social media isn’t going away anytime soon. It isn’t perfect (especially with the proliferation of trolls and fake news), but it would be unwise to ignore its marketing potential. Without a solid social media presence, your business is missing out on the ability to reach out to a wider audience.

Remember that you can augment all your social media marketing efforts by purchasing social signals like Twitter Automatic retweets and likes. The more popular you appear, the more likely people will be to check out your account and follow you. This is a simple way to grow your following, but be sure to buy high quality Followers from a company with good reviews.

Learn the ins and outs of every platform you use so you can take advantage of the unique opportunities that each one can offer. There’s a lot to learn, but if you follow these tips you’ll be able to keep your followers engaged and interested for years to come.

Buy Twitter Followers Reviews